
  • 真人秀
  • 陈思诚 郑恺 陈凯歌 沙漠 张婧仪 李一桐 易小星 舒淇
  • 每期90分钟
  • Set during the Philippine-American war, Heneral Lu…Set during the Philippine-American war, Heneral Luna follows the life of one of Philippine History's most brilliant military men, General Antonio Luna, as he tries to lead his countrymen against colonial masters new and old, and to rise above their own raging disputes to fulfill the promise of the Philippine Revolution.



  • 第16集
  • 更新1080P
  • 第39集完结
  • 更新HD国语
  • 更新HD中字
  • 第36集
  • 全22集
  • 全20集


《开拍吧》主持:陈思诚 郑恺 陈凯歌 沙漠 张婧仪 李一桐 易小星 舒淇 的 该剧剧情: Set during the Philippine-American war, Heneral Luna follows the life of one of Philippine History's most brilliant military men, General Antonio Luna, as he tries to lead his countrymen against colonial masters new and old, and to rise above their own raging disputes to fulfill the promise of the Philippine Revolution.星辰影院综艺栏目为您提供《开拍吧》免费在线观看,及播出时间。喜欢的话,不要忘记分享给好友哦!


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