

  • 正片

电影 《被遗弃的萨莉》剧情介绍

《被遗弃的萨莉》主演:卡罗尔·戴姆斯特 W.C.菲尔兹 阿尔弗雷德·伦特 埃尔维利·阿尔德森 Erville Alderson Effie Shannon 的电影 该剧剧情:   Judge Foster throws his daughter out because she married a circus man. She leaves her baby girl with Prof. McGargle before she dies. Years later Sally is a dancer with whom Peyton, a son of Judge Foster's friend, falls in love. When Sally is arrested McGargle proves her real parentage.星辰影院喜剧片栏目为您提供《被遗弃的萨莉》免费在线观看,及播出时间。喜欢的话,不要忘记分享给好友哦!


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